Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Growing Up

I knew when we converted our daughter's crib to a toddler bed several months ago that there was the terrifying possibility she would get up and wander around in the middle of the night. In my over active Mommy mind I imagined her getting out of bed, opening the front door and wandering out into the street, all while I slept soundly in the next room. Happily this hasn't happened, in fact she seems to feel that getting out of her little bed at night is a huge no-no. It might be related to the one time that she did, I freaked out just a little. So, all has gone well until last night. Around 11 a very frightened sounding cry emitted from her room, I ran in to find out that she has thrown herself out of the bed! She was on the floor tangled up in blankets and totally disoriented. I tucked her back in and went to sleep myself, only to be woken up at 3am with precisely the same scenario, only this time she had taken her pillow, covers, and stuffed elephant with her! It leaves me wondering if I am in for some seriously disturbed sleep in the coming weeks... it also has sent me searching the internet for twin beds with a railing to help curb the nighttime bungee jumping that I'm nervous may become a habit.
I love the modern design of this Surfin Twin Bed from Ecotots. Not only is it cool to look at, it's also totally eco friendly! Check out their whole line of great products.